Monday, August 25, 2008

Apartment Guide

I haven't blogged about my new apartment yet. So here it goes.

For the past week or two I've been living in Goose Hollow with Martin. It's a lot of fun and I look forward to each new day. I live really close to everything, and I love biking around town looking for new discoveries.

I have mass amounts of fun everyday. My roommate is my best friend, and we have a lot of fun together. WHOO WHOO. I wouldn't have it any other way. This is probably the best living situation I could have gotten in. I love it.

When we first moved in, it was like summer camp kind of. Now the actual feeling of moving out is sinking in, and I have to say that I'm really enjoying the idea. I'm glad I get to spend the next year living with my best friend in a sweet spot.

It's funny when you start living on your own. You realize the importance of a whisk, a bowl, a fan, and a desk. You learn to conserve and retain as much free merchandise and food as possible.

Life is good. I love life. It's so much fun to wake up every morning and say, "Sup bro?" Or even waking up in the middle of the night and going, "Do you smell that?"

I'm going grocery shopping with Martin in a little bit. We've basically got some lemon frosting and celery in the fridge.

Speaking of cooking, we've been making numerous dishes while we've been here. Martin made this amazing bread which turned into amazing hamburgers, and yesterday we made our mothers a breakfast fit for the Queen.

I'm glad Kim helped us get into our new place. We owe her a lot, even though she doesn't think so. Kim's pretty sweet.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

wtf...what the faith?

"Faith is an oasis in the heart which can never be reached by the caravan of thinking"

I just read this quote online, and it really made me think.

I understand that faith is an extremely personal feeling and concept. I generally derives from experiences or influences, all of which have a strong impact on the way we all think. I know that everyone has a faith of some sort, it just depends on each person to choose the magnitude of their faith.

After I read this quote, I was reminded of why I think faith is so foolish. Essentially this quote is saying that faith is something you have to feel in your heart, and you can never feel it by using logic, or thinking about your faith.

I feel sorry for the person that said this at all, and for all of those who also believe these words. If anyone wants to blindly believe or follow something without even thinking about it, then they are not even worthy of its benefits.

I think that is why I have such a hard time with faith. It is based off of feelings, not logic or mental persuasion. Quotes like the one above are just one among many of the reasons I have failed to have a strong personal faith.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is stupidity a Question?

I never knew that so many people read my blogs. Honestly, I thought that I just wrote them and posted them for no reason. That may have sounded dumb, but it's the truth. Not until people started telling me, "Oh I heard that on your blog", or "oh yeah I remember you talking about that". I like discussions. I like debates.

I was talking to Jeff about something for his philosophy class. I can't remember what it was, but he asked me this really confusing question. I hate the questions that don't make any sense at all, not because you don't know the answer or how to get the answer, but because the question is just retarded in every way. I can't find a solution for something that doesn't even make sense. Know what I'm sayin?

Flicks on the Bricks is tomorrow. I'll probably go. Who else is going?

Unpacking is one of the most grueling tasks ever. It's fun to sort out your new place and find new homes for all of your possessions...but then again, it just sucks lol.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Voluble Boogers

I hope todays weather is better than the rain yesterday. I understand that we needed the rain, but it was August 1st. If you go over the steel bridge and look at the rivers waterline, you can notice a definite drop.

Flash Gordon is one of the corniest movies I have ever seen. It reminds me of what the 80's really stood for.

I have been going to the bathroom a lot lately. At least more than normal. It's really weird and annoying, especially at work when I have to keep asking to go to the bathroom.

I'm going to my Dads company family thing today. I don't even know what it is. It's two hour boat ride and we get free food. I'm probably going to shake a lot of hands and smile until my jaw hurts. If the food is good, it will definitely be worth it.

I'm excited to move into Portland. I've been going down there almost every day for the past two months. It takes a toll on a man. Not Portland, but going there. I'm glad that Martin and I acquiesce on most things we talk about.

Is it better to ignore a problem and just have a good time, or do you need to fix it before it gets worse? I already know the answer to that question, I just don't know how to fix the problem when the only person that matters is the most incredulous man I know. Argh.

I love writing. Blogging is even better. I think the only thing better than that is violin. And there are few things better than that, like sex and/or alcohol and/or certain chemical drugs, depending on the person you are talking to.

Suzanne is the most voluble woman I have ever met. Even more than Temari, which I though was impossible.

I love ice cream. I have to limit my intake, or else I would probably eat it all day. It's going to be a tragedy when I move, because that mini fridge isn't going to cut it. There's no freezer. How can you eat ice cream with no freezer?

I have decided that I pick most of my nose boogers in my car. It's the only place that I feel no one can see me. Plus, I'm just driving. You only need one hand for that...even in a manual. I'm just worried about when I go to college, because I probably won't have my car. What am I going to do?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Arduous Facebook

So I canceled my PSU housing contract today. It was hard to do at first, but I'm happy with the decision. Apartment habitation sounds much better.

Have you ever gotten really fired-up about doing something, and then when you went to go do it, you got really overwhelmed by the amount of work it will take? I just went on Facebook to try and actually use my profile. I honestly have no idea why anyone would want to go on there. There is so much to learn and remember; it's such a waste of our already inundated minds. Why do people send you Pokemon? What's the point of putting a bumper sticker on your profile? It doesn't even have any resemblance to a bumper sticker.

I tried to clean up the 56 friend requests I had, the pets people sent me, and the other jibberish nonsense that was thrown my way. After about two minutes on Facebook, I decided that I'd had enough. There will never be any sort of amity between myself and Facebook.

I'm not sure who I'm voting for still. I honestly don't really like either of the Presidential candidates this year. So what do I do? Vote for the lesser of two evils? What kind of choice is that? I hate how there is so much debate and dispute over who the next President will be. Why don't people that would actually make this country great just run? It would be much easier to vote for a person who's worth a damn.

The new three 6 mafia album is really funny. I kind of compare it to the three stooges. I mean, it's so dumb that you have to laugh at it.

I'm really tired. I haven't even done anything today. I don't like staying inside all day, but I've never done it before and I wanted to see if I could actually do it. What a waste of a day man.

I hope I get into an apartment soon. I'm sick of riding the max for 3 hours a day. Although I have been getting a lot of reading done.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm just sick of it all. I want evil, oppression, and violence to stop. Why does it always have to be a constant battle?

I'm sick of brutality in men and women. Sick of hatred and racism. Stereotypes and propaganda. Wars and crimes; they all perpetuate the cycle. Music is dying, noise is growing. Wisdom seems to be unappreciated, while knowledge is used for the wrong reasons. Killings, terrorism, bombings. I'm sick of it all. Wasted presidency. Changes in mental thought. Apathy and carelessness. Abuse of drugs to forget the pain. Where are we headed? Working, working, more working. Selfish people with only themselves to think of. Why? I'm sick of it all.

We need a change. We need a movement toward the right direction. We need a reason. One reason to stand up and collectively say to one another, "We can make a difference. We can end this cycle of despair."

Optimism is failing. Our lives have been stultified. Open your eyes and just see what's happening. It's not hard, it's just inconvenient.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Green virgins in Dallas

I wish I was taking a summer class right now. I could get all of my reading done at the summer concerts.

There was this teenage girl that came to my work yesterday with a Beatles shirt on. I enjoy the Beatles, so I thought I'd converse with her over some of their famous works, and just see where the discussion went. I wasn't trying to get a date...I was just bored. Well it turned out that she didn't even know one single song that they've made. Not even one. How lame is that. Why would you sport something you knew nothing about?

If I was Dallas Green, I'd have at least 3 girlfriends, one wife, and about 2 more hunny's on the side.

Do girls really just wanna have fun? I don't think so. If they did, movies like 40 year old virgin would never have been made. Cyndi Lauper can bite my ars.

Ever been at a loss of words? It's happening to me a lot now. I'm not sure if it's just a loss of words, but more like a loss of motivation to speak them. I have learned that some people are just plain dumb.